It's Never the Perfect Time

The timing isn’t right.

It’s Not the perfect time.

How many times have these words come out of your mouth?

I am always puzzled what “the right time” means.  Because I have heard it from others my whole life.

And it comes in all kinds of forms…It’s not the right time… I need to lose 30 pounds before I get pregnant.  WTF?  That sounds a little backwards.

It’s not the right time…. First we need to buy a house, save some money, blah… blah… blah… before we get married.

It’s not the right time… I need to get my Masters Degree before I figure out what I want to do.

Not yet… Not Yet… Just a little bit longer….

Or.... sometimes it comes in from the other side..

I am too old to start over.  It was just never the perfect time.

I am too old to start my own company.  It was just never the right time.

I am too old for school.   My time has passed.

I missed my opportunity.


WHY?????Has it EVER been the perfect time for you?  For anything?  Ever?

When you got pregnant – was it the perfect time?

When you found the love of your life – was it the perfect time?

I learned long ago that I was really NOT in charge of my next PERFECT TIME... or as I like to call it - the next Bend in the Road. I’ll give you several perfect examples of it being the WORST time.

  1. I finally decided to go to College at the age of 24 and got pregnant with Mia 2 months into my first semester.  NOT THE RIGHT TIME!

  2. I started dating Derek just a few months into starting the Lash Company, right as he was going on tour and I was going to start traveling 1-2 weeks per month. NOT THE RIGHT TIME!

  3. I decided to LEAVE the lash company and start a Distribution Company two weeks before it was pulled from shelves across the United States, right when the Company needed me the most, making me extend my stay an additional six months. HORRIBLE TIMING.

But these things happening the way they did MADE it BECOME the right time - whether I was ready or not....

When I became pregnant with Mia I stopped running night clubs and started deciding on a serious life career.  Took college very seriously, started my own Marketing Company - which led me to help start the Lash Company.  Being a single mom and taking my life seriously opened my eyes to a good man who I had previously not taken seriously because I was still (like an idiot) into bad boys.

Having to stay at the Lash Company for an additional six months gave me even more time to create my plan for my new distribution company and start laying ground work to build it up very quickly as soon as I left.

End result... Awesome daughter, loving and devoted husband, amazing career!

Now back to you....

There are different decisions that we make, or different opportunities that arise, that will come up CONSTANTLY.  Big or small.  And they all lead to the next thing.

Sometimes they are forced on us, and sometimes they just fall into our laps.  Either way, they are new bends in the road to take us to a new path.  So the question is… is it NOT the right time because you don’t want it to be?

Ok fine.  That's your choice.

Or is it NOT the right time because you are scared to go around that bend and make the commitment?

Why is it not the right time?

It kind of reminds me of a relationship.  When it’s important you will make time.  If its not important enough… it’s just not the right time.  Or you just don’t HAVE time.

But when its something you WANT – suddenly you can make adjustments in your life, or your schedule, or your habits to make it happen.

Life happens, and it will happen with or without you.  Opportunity will pass you by, and you will be looking at the next person and telling your friend that THAT’S what YOU were gonna do.

What is amazing about starting and throwing chance to the wind is that you never quite know what is going to happen.  But I promise you that if you truly work your ass off, success will happen.  And it might not even happen the way you think it will – but as soon as you start - opportunity will just open up to you.  I don’t know why – but it just will.

My trick is to have a back up plan.  And not just one – but maybe two or three.

For instance, when I started my new Company I knew I had enough savings to buy me enough time to be able to start paying myself.  But if that did not work out, I knew that I could call two or three different companies and probably get a job.

Hell!  I used to like being a waitress.  I could have two or three jobs to hold me over.  I will figure it out.  Because what I knew was that what I have is a GREAT IDEA.  I could make it work!  But if it didn’t work like I thought it would– I was willing to move on and work my ass off, and fight to get back to what I love to do.  But at least I was DOING IT!

The question is, are you willing to do the same.

It’s ok to say NO.  It’s okay to play it safe.  We all have different responsibilities, people counting on us. We all have to answer to someone.  Our spouse, our kids, ourselves.

I encourage you to do this little assignment for yourself.  Get a blank piece of paper and a pen.

At the top - write your goal.

Then right below this - write down, in bullet points, all the things that have to take place to make it the perfect time.  ALL OF IT.Then at the bottom of the page - write down what date, maybe it’s the year, that you think this will all fall into line.

Read it out loud to yourself or a friend/significant other.


Yes, I know right now you are feeling like...

So just start now.

I’ll give you another example of me.  I need to lose weight.  In fact, my Doctor wants me to lose about 60 pounds.  There are a thousand reasons why I should do this – Diabetes, Cancer, high Blood Pressure all run in my family.  What an idiot that I let myself gain this much weight.  But I have never been a girl who worried about being fat.  And I have THE BEST excuses!

I’m too busy working.

I’ll start after vacation.

Oh wait… after vacation I go traveling to trade shows.

Oh wait… after trade shows it will be Winter and I will not have time to go walk after dark.

Oh wait… I will start right after this project.

See???  I am a Genius at putting this thing off.  Until now I really feel it, and this PERFECT TIME is forced on me.  So here I go.

So if you have a goal, a dream… something that you know you are meant to do – then do it.  Because right at this very moment is the right time.

Whether it’s getting pregnant, married, losing weight, starting a Company, jump out of a plane, dye your hair.

FUCK IT.  Right now is the best time.

Do it!


Covid Blessings - Forward


My Year of Lessons